Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful in November: Day Three

I am thankful for my job. It's not the best paying job, job with most perks, and definitely not the most glamorous job in the world (hellllo dirty toilets!) but it's a job & it's mine. I am grateful for the fact that I am fortunate enough to be employed and that I feel secure in my position and don't feel like I'm ever in threat of going anywhere. I enjoy the couple of perks that I do have. More than anything I LOVE most of the people I work with. They have never been anything but absolutely wonderful to me and I have made so many sweet friends that hopefully will last a lifetime.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankful in November: Day Two

I am thankful that today, I have been in this world for 24 years. I am thankful for the roof I have over my head. I am thankful for the eyes I have to see the beauty all around me, to watch our beautiful children grow. I am thankful for my heart that pumps the blood through me. I am thankful for the lungs that allow me to breath; lungs that I need to treat much, much better. I am thankful for my nose that let's me smell. I am thankful for my hands that allow me to type this. For my legs and feet that allow me to walk. For my ears that let me hear the wonderful voices around me, music, my favorite TV shows, birds singing in the morning and owls hooting at night.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day One of Thankful in November

Day One: I am thankful for my amazing little boys and step-daughter; for my genuinely magical husband. I am thankful for my loving parents who took care of me greatly. I am thankful for my fantastic in-laws who are so helpful and so sweet.

I am thankful for daytime getaways with my Aunt. Lunch and shopping and fun with her. I am thankful for my family members who care enough to not need a Facebook reminder for when my birthday is. :]

Halloween was a blast as usual. Solaris had a little more pep in his step then Phoenix but they both did well & lasted for most of the two hours. My sister also went with us, and one of my brothers joined up with us as well later on. Shortly after we got home Phoenix passed out for the night, poor little guy couldn't even make it up for dinner ;]

My mom was the "wolf granny" from Little Red Riding Hood ;]