Friday, October 28, 2011

Gosh. It is 1:30 in the morning & Phoenix and Solaris are still awake! They never stay up this late. Bedtime is at 9 and rarely are they up past 10 (Phoenix until 11 on some bad nights).

In part it was my fault because we were watching funny animal videos on YouTube. I couldn't bear to make them stop because their laughs were so adorable and makes me heart smile. Also since we are leaving tomorrow for the weekend I wasn't going to complain about spending some extra time with them.

I am getting really tired now though & I still have a lot to do to prepare for the weekend. I procrastinated way too much today, telling myself I could do everything when the kids go to bed but now I am so exhausted all I want to do is change my sheet and go to bed myself! I'm thinking an alarm clock will definetly be needed for the morning because I have a suspicion two little birdies just might sleep in.

They seem super excited to spend their weekend with Nana and PawPaw and then to stay the night at Grandma and Grandpa's. I'm beginning to think maybe they won't miss us after all! If they don't it's fine with me because I just want them to have a nice weekend and have fun. I don't want them to be sad and miss us. Just smiles, laughs, and fun until we return to our little cuties Monday morning to prepare for Halloween night and Trick or Treating!


  1. wow...i don't think gage has ever stayed awake that late. :) i sure hope they slept in for you!

  2. their names are so cute! :)
